Of course one does not, necessarily, contradict the other (friendly + contest). But then again this isn't theoretical, I just going by my experiences at four Le Cirques and five Velo Rendezvous. And of course, no sour grapes as I won Best in Show at Le Cirque in 2003 and some first in classes at various Velo Rendezvous over the years.
Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California
Edward Albert wrote:
> Sorry Chuck,
> Didn't mean to mis-quote you. You are right you said it was not a
> contest but a show with an emphasis on the friendly. I guess I think
> one does not, necessarily, contradict the other
>>>> Chuck Schmidt <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net> 06/13/06 8:59 PM >>>
> Edward Albert wrote:
>> (snip) But just how does one do this judging?
>> Chuck Schmidt suggested that it, perhaps, is more trouble than it's
>> worth. And, in the end that may indeed be the case.
> Boy, not only did I not state the above, it is not even what I
> believe!
> Please reread my comments in previous posts.
> Chuck Schmidt
> South Pasadena, Southern California
> .