Re: [CR]Cirque Auction Photos

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Ideale)

In-Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 12:35:54 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: [CR]Cirque Auction Photos
From: <>

> From: Raymond Dobbins <>
> I'm running behind schedule! Later today I'll have photos of the seminars
> and banquet, and hopefully tomorrow I'll have the show pics ready.

Thanks to Ray for the auction pics! I can see that if I had attended, I would have needed a big wad of cash! So many tempting items.....

I couldn't help but notice the lovely Erickson, and that it didn't meet reserve. Can anyone say what the reserve, or high bid, was? Not that I *need* another bike, but I bet I could find room somewhere. :-)

A quick "Thanks!!" to Dale and everyone who put the Cirque together, and who posted photos! For those of us who couldn't attend, it's great to just be able see the pics of the bikes and to hear the stories about all the great folks on this list. It's a big factor in my education on classic bikes.

Steve Kurt
Peoria, IL