The experts are very amusing here. I especially like the sure tone struck by someone hundreds of miles away that everything is wrong but his opinion. My experience
in life has made me somewhat cynical but I reserve absolute belief for what I have examined personally. Meeting with Ernesto at Interbike and discussing the 1974
Munich show bike he assured me that the bike I have is one and the same. That is enough for me. The suggestion that it should have been chromed and whatever
else in the comments from Charles (?) are nonsense. My recent conversation with a person in Italy about trading for a carbon custom were actually with a Ferrrari auto
dealer that has connections with Ernesto, not Ernestos son. This is an interesting site and I like the attention that old bikes get and deserve. The opinions of the
members are a good source of information and when correct are to be commended. I can live without the snarky bullshit and experts. As for the bike in question.
I am taking it to Joe Bell for the proper restoration and then giving it to Ernesto for his collection. I'll ride my Prince SL and know what is real when I see it.
Cheers, Michael Blechman, Berkeley, Ca.