[CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 43, Issue 105

(Example: Production Builders:Teledyne)

From: "Marcelo Afornali - Bicicletas Antigas" <afornali@bicicletasantigas.com.br>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
References: <MONKEYFOODoLIH24WGX00000802@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 16:22:03 -0300
Subject: [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 43, Issue 105

Hello Scott:

If somebody will have the model, can manufacture the decal that you need. I have available for business, them you only decay of Reynolds decade of 30 up to 50 and the Mavic for rims original of years 50, that I obtained to reproduce of that I negotiated new and that I sent it the photos.

Kind Regards

Marcelo from Brazil


----- Original Message -----
From: classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 3:56 PM
Subject: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 43, Issue 105

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> CR
> Today's Topics:
> 1. WANTED: NERVEX DECAL (scott davis)
> 2. Re: Good tires for Araya 20A rims? (henox)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 11:19:42 -0700 (PDT)
> From: scott davis <francopedia@yahoo.com>
> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> Message-ID: <20060727181942.36990.qmail@web53809.mail.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 1
> Anybody have an original old Nervex decal for sale?
> Scott Davis St. Paul, MN USA
> http://www.sdbicyclegarage.com
> ---------------------------------
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> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 11:57:01 -0700
> From: "henox" <henox@icycle.net>
> To: "Jay Sexton" <jvs@sonic.net>, <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Subject: Re: [CR]Good tires for Araya 20A rims?
> Message-ID: <01ae01c6b1ae$72483b00$4e30f604@oemcomputer>
> References: <MONKEYFOODVSlV11V06000006c2@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>
> <44C83E17.7020604@sonic.net>
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> Message: 2
> I'd suggest trying IRC's.
> I have had unpleasant experience with the Pasellas unseating off some
> tandem
> rims (not Araya 20A's).
> I think the beads on some of the Pasella tires simply tend to be on the
> large side.
> Hugh Enox
> Subject: [CR]Good tires for Araya 20A rims?
>> Tim,
>> I have the same rims on my Centurion Pro Tour. When I installed the
> Panaracer Pasellas after the restoration I had the same experience. The
> tubes were pooching out between tire and rim and I barely got them
> deflated
> before they blew.
>> I reseated the tires and now pump them to about 80 psi and no problems
> whatsoever. Those rims have a reputation for not holding tires. Too bad
> because they are a nice eyeletted rim.
>> Jay Sexton
>> Sebastopol, CA
>> Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 23:19:00 -0400
>> From: "Tim Fricker" <tymncycle@gmail.com>
>> Subject: [CR]Good tires for Araya 20A rims?
>> Okay, since someone asked about tires for a Module E, I figure it's as
>> good a time as any to see if anyone has suggestions for currently
>> available tires that work well on the old Araya 20A rims I have on my
>> Centurion Professional. They are about the same width as the Mavic
>> Module E, but the key difference is they don't really have much of a
>> "hook" to them. I've tried my preferred tires, the Panaracer Pasela,
>> both old and new style, but they climb right off the rim when fully
>> inflated, and the tube blows out.
>> So who has found a good, high quality, reasonably high pressure tire
>> that works on these puppies? Preferably tan sidewalls, preferably
>> 25-28mm wide. Anyone?
>> Thanks!
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> End of Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 43, Issue 105
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