Norma Gonzalez wrote:
> I am looking to buy an opposing pin wrench tool that Campy made (in the
> 50/60s ?) that worked perfectly with the integrated Bianchi headset
> parts. Doubtless some list member has four or five of these sitting in
> a box and is willing to part with one of them. Please contact me off
> list if you have one that you can bare to sell or absent full Campy
> nirvana success a reasonable substitute.
Those are scarcer than hen's teeth these days, I'm afraid. Probably all spirited off to Japan to languish in some collectors' display cases. Expect to pay top dollar, *IF* you can find one.
A reasonable substitute, which does turn up on eBay every now and then is the VAR #13 pin wrench:
Make sure you get the proper one, as there is a modern iteration of the tool that lacks the sockets for placing the pins facing inward, as you would need for your Bianchi headset. I.e. you *DON'T* want this one (the BP-01300):
John (
Appleton WI USA