Re: [CR]ASC Sturmey Hubs

(Example: Framebuilders:Rene Herse)

Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2006 11:39:55 +0100
Subject: Re: [CR]ASC Sturmey Hubs
From: "Hilary Stone" <>
To: NIGEL LAND <>, <>
In-Reply-To: <007d01c6a053$fc1b11c0$43238351@com>

I am the seller of the Shellwin hubs Nigel refers to; He is correct in that I bought them at York but I purchased them through a third party for a figure a lot in excess of what he quotes. I did buy parts from the person who originally had the Shellwin hubs but he was not a 'old guy' and I paid the prices he requested without haggling; they were I think fair to both parties and what I would normally expect within the UK. And I make no secre t of the fact that quite a considerable portion of my income comes from buyin g and selling old bike parts. Is that any more wrong that buying or selling anything else? But I am certain that people should be very careful to check the truth before presenting guesses and gossip as fact...

Hilary Stone, Bristol, England

> From: "NIGEL LAND" <>
> Reply-To: NIGEL LAND <>
> Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 17:56:27 +0100
> To: <>
> Subject: [CR]ASC Sturmey Hubs
> Hey North America, what is happening? $456 for a Sturmey ASC? What's goin g
> on? Investment bank bonus declarations or a subtle finger to UK buyers gi ven
> the proximity of Independence Day? I just don't get it. Mind you, I did h ear
> of a pair of Shelwin hubs being bought at York Rally Saddle Bag Sale a
> couple of weeks ago for £10 and sold on eBay by a 'renowned' CR member af ter
> a quick polish for in excess of £200. So there you go. York Rally is very
> much a riders' event, but the businessmen are always around, looking for a
> quick buck. Is that a problem? Personally I don't think much of it, given
> that the seller was probably an old guy with no idea of the value of what
> had. So, what are the feelings of this august group on prices and making big
> bucks from fellow cyclists?
> Nigel Land
> Barton on Humber
> UK
> PS anyone want an ASC for $2,000? Used notes please and I promise airmail
> delivery.