[CR]ethics of buying and selling.

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Campagnolo)

From: "Doug Smith" <doug@kingsweir.plus.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2006 21:53:28 +0100
Subject: [CR]ethics of buying and selling.

I along with Nigel Land do'nt want to prolong the subject which has hit the headlines over the past few days. But I must add my support to Nigel in his views over the pricing of cycling memorabilia by persons both privately and in the trade. Since taking up the pastime of collecting/restoring classic bikes I have only attended one cycle jumble in the last 18 years when I experienced the greedy and alarming behaviour of some sellers and buyers . Needless to say I've never attended another event since as I felt this is not the place for enthusiasts like me. Added to which I have never had the need to depend on such functions for the equipment I've required over the years. Of course like others I have passed on some of my surplus to requirements at a price which I considered reasonable and many times below my purchase costs . Belonging to the Veteran CC here in the UK and getting to know so many people like Nigel I have been able to trade with them either by exchange or paying modest prices to fullfil my need. Many of my transactions have resulted in folks only too willing to give their goods for free and I have done the same in return. To me trading should be in moderation and act in good faith with small returns to encourage and help one another without the thought in mind how much money am I going to make out of the deal!

Everyone to their opinion , but if the trend is allowed to continue with prices and big profits going over the top there will come the day when these items will not be available. Its does'nt appear to be a hobby with some folk anymore as they are only interested in making a quick profit from people willing to buy these outrageous prices whilst the rest of those who ca'nt afford it can go without. Surely not the correct way to go is it?

I rest my case , too old now to worry over such things but when certain subjects such as this arise it makes me feel very sad and angry.

Doug Smith
North Dorset