[CR]RE: Campy Cottered Cranks

(Example: Framebuilding:Paint)

Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 12:37:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: "scott davis" <francopedia@yahoo.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]RE: Campy Cottered Cranks

I've sold the cranks in the link. Got them in Italia and they were re-chromed so it's difficult to tell the manufacturer. But, consensus among Italian collectors is that they were made by Magistroni or FB in the 50s. Scott Davis St. Paul, MN--home of the Bastille Day Vintage Ride Sun 7/16 11:30 am at Har Mar Mall.
> http://www1.ocn.ne.jp/~campa/newpage20.htm
> Hadn't seen these before, scroll down to see what may be a
> set of Campagnolo steel cottered cranks.
> Kurt Sperry
> Bellingham WA
> --
> fineartscrimshaw.com

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