there is never a need to unsubscribe from a mailing list. Just go to this web page :
And drag the appropriate "TODAY" links to your browser shortcut / bookmark bar. For example :
Will get you all of today's emails to the CR mailing list. Then, edit your account so that you get NO mail and NO digest. Go to, select ClassicRendezvous at the top, type your mail address into the box at the bottom of the page, and your password, and then using the first grey radio-box select "MAIL DELIVERY - DISABLED [x]"
This is how I read the list. Read it when you have some spare time. Don't let the list control your life. But please participate, is a great resource and we need everyone to answer questions, reminisce, and make it even better !!
[ for Dale ] It would be good if the default setup sent either a digest, or send zero mail, because I think a lot of people join and then get frustrated right away.
- Don Gillies
San Diego, CA