[CR] Curt Goodrich KOF Porteur

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Chater-Lea)

From: "Bob Hanson" <theonetrueBob@webtv.net>
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 20:52:23 -0600
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR] Curt Goodrich KOF Porteur

Folks, I just happened to notice that the beautiful and unique Goodrich "Porteur" bike had just sold on eBay... for under $2,300.


Now, although I'm happy for the buyer, I'm absolutely disgusted that so stunning a custom bike could sell for so low. Admittedly, my mind dwells in a very small obsessive realm (with regard to bicycles) and my values are certainly not the norm among bicyclists with whom I share the road out in the Real World. So, perhaps I'm just nuts.... no,... I'm definitely nuts. Nevertheless, I suggest that everyone on this list go down to their LBS and look at what absolute garbage currently sells for $2,300, these days.

Personally, I think the Goodrich bike should have sold for at least 4k. And, I'm almost ashamed that I did not bid, The one thing stopping me was that the frame would have been a smidge too tall for even my rather long legs to straddle - and even wearing thick soled shoes (yeah, I considered it) and I do stubbornly insist on buying only bikes which I will actually ride.

Well, at least I know that there is one like-minded (and very fortunate) person out there who will be riding a beautifully executed and carefully thought out bike. My sincere congratulations go out to that person. If he is a List member, I would love to here his thoughts about making that purchase.

Bob Hanson, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA