Just because you can do something, it doesn't mean you should. All it takes is one not-so-lucky brazed joint to increase the likelihood of a failure.
Mike Kone in Boulder CO
> At 06:15 AM 7/19/06 -0500, John Thompson wrote:
\r?\n> >Using brass requires higher temperature and thereby negates the
\r?\n> >advantage of the heat treatment. Use brass and all you have is a
\r?\n> >light-gauge 531 set.
\r?\n> At this year's Cirque, Dave Moulton said that he always used brass for
\r?\n> 753. Thought that his torch flame and brazing speed avoided overheating.
\r?\n> I think he even said his sample passed with Reynolds.
\r?\n> Jon Schaer
\r?\n> Columbus, OH USA