Peter Jourdain wrote: Thanks, Peter! Do you know what model Carlton or variation thereof Jimmy has? Any of its features? Any photos anywhere? Would love to see it, and it'd be great stuff for the Carlton website.
The information was given to me by Dave Marsh, who worked at Carltons for many years while Bob Keeling was there, and who is a great admirer of Bob's work. I shall be seeing him in 2 weeks time, and will ask what further information he has. You have also reminded me that I must ask Dave to put me in touch with Bob's son, who is now the custodian of the superb coloured drawings that Bob made of the many lugs he designed, not only for Carltons, but several others also. Dave has photocopies of them, but they really need to done as high definition colour scans for all to see.
Peter Brown. Lincolnshire. England