Depends on what you will be looking for in the future. If in 20 years
one is still looking for lugged steel frames built with mandmade or
pressed steel modified lugs that exhibit the personality and hand of
the builder; then I expect you will find Carlos Martell, my
apprentice. I believe he has the talent and staying power to succeed
long term. He has a sound plan for the future and a deffinite
direction he wants to go. Time will tell.
I would hope I will still be around building at that time; not
neccessiarily for customers but for the pure fun of it and to make
things I don't have time for right now, like the tall bike "AirMail"
and a few other things. There is no end to what an individual can do
as a framebuilder if one wants to continue to learn and improve.
Sometimes just adding to my personal collection is fun enough.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
I know we spend most of our time discussing bicycles and gear from
the past or made using traditional methods.
What does the future hold for those of us with these preferences?
Who will be building lugged steel bicycle frames 20 years from now?
Nick Zatezalo