[CR] Re: Repairing clinchers or Life is to short for cheap tires

(Example: Racing:Jacques Boyer)

Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2006 06:14:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Syke - Deranged Few M/C" <sykerocker@yahoo.com>
Subject: [CR] Re: Repairing clinchers or Life is to short for cheap tires
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
In-Reply-To: <MONKEYFOOD9I09Ek8fI000043c4@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>

As I sit here typing this left handed (although my accident wasn't due to tyre failure the end results was very possible the same) I cannot believe anyone in this group woud be fool/cheap enough to try and jury-rig a tyre repair just to save a few bucks. Trust me, broken bone surgery is not pleasant. The realization that I'm probably going to be off a bike for the next month or six weeks, doesn't help, as does the knowledge that picking up my end of the co-pay has probably put paid to my next bike purcase or two.

Now put the chance of the above against to save, what, thirty five bucks? And you're using what for brains today?

If anything came good out of this, it's the knowledge that I've settled on a tyre brand I can trust.

George R. "Syke" Paczolt
Montpelier, VA
Deranged Few M/C

--- Bob Freitas wrote:

> Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 17:24:12 -0700
> From: Bob Freitas <freitas1@pacbell.net>
> To: dartley@co.ba.md.us
> <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Subject: [CR]Re Repairing clinchers or Life is
> to short for cheap tires
> Message: 1
> Dan !
> Your experience points out why not to use
> them (and certainly
> not try to fix them)
> Years ago on a fast downhill turn, a
> pal of mine
> proceeded to roll a tire and went straight off the
> road ,luckily a
> barbed wire cattle fence kept him from getting
> really hurt(not kidding)
> he was covered with cuts and raspberries but we
> stopped the next farmer
> and he got a ride back to town.
> Ever since then I have been very
> conciencious about
> tires on my bikes (and cars)
> I may over do it in stock piling
> tires but when I
> find some that are good (and usually not much money)
> I stock up.
> RITA doesnt seem to mind 50 tires
> hanging in the
> garage (now if I can only remember what I did with
> the other 20)

Syke Deranged Few M/C

"France backed off its pledge to send seventeen hundred troops to Lebanon Thursday and offered to send two hundred. No wonder we keep testing positive in their bicycle races. Everyone looks like they're full of testosterone when they're surrounded by Frenchmen." ---Argus Hamilton

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