In this case I definitely don't mind putting in an unsolicited plug for a fellow List Member. Check out these fine offerings on his website:
Probably as close as you'll find to "correct" without actually seeking out some rare vintage pieces (which probably would not fit, anyway). And, do note that these are actually stainless steel - which I've never seen on any comparably styled racks before.
Expensive?... Yes,... but I think they are surely worth the price. Also, FWIW, I plan to soon put in an order for various items from this fellow - if only to do my small part to help encourage him on toward further productions, precisely like these amazing racks.
Well now, having gotten that little unpaid sales pitch of my chest... let me just say that I think the Blackburn certainly looks just fine on your bike.
Like yourself, I actually insist on riding my old treasures, so I too have mounted similar "heresies" on a couple 60s and 70s bikes which I regularly use as my urban pack mules. Still, given the rarity of your particular bike, I really would consider indulging in some extravagant racks like the ones I linked above. In any case, Best of Luck, and my compliments on that lovely bike!
Bob Hanson, Albuquerque, New Mexico
"Quality will be remembered long after cost is forgotten." ~ A. Gucci
David Lester wrote:
I currently have a Blackburn rear rack installed on my ca1955 Le
Chemineau. See pictures here;
David Lester
Hartford, Ct. USA