I just wanted to thank all those who commented on the Automoto i aquired. I appreciate the help very much!
i guess the dating at late thrirties might be correct. I'll be happy to echange the frame number or other details/pics with other Automoto-owners or anyone who is interested!
Currently i'm wating for delivery, and after a closer check i will decide what i will do with it. A full rstoration is out of discussion, as i think the patina aquired over decades of usage is more valuable than a bicycle that looks like straight from the dealer... (Your opinion may vary :) So if the condition of the bike is as the pictures sugggest, i'll most probably clean and lube all bearings, clean the dirt a bit, and use it as it is.
I put the pics that were in the Ebay auction in my gallery, and will add own pictures as soon as i have them.
the URL is
thanks again, this community is really outstanding!
Martin Appel
Munich, Germany