RE: [CR]1969 Raleigh Pro

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

From: "Ken Freeman" <>
To: "'Jerome & Elizabeth Moos'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: [CR]1969 Raleigh Pro
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 07:28:49 -0400
In-Reply-To: <>
Thread-Index: AcbL55jqawkBLvRjSd+qQWOcXB4WxgAPxPog

Back to attempting to re-fire brain cells unused since 1969! I have a vague recollection from the Chicago bike shops of being surprised the salesman was telling me the Pro is a Carlton (not that I knew what that might mean!) when everything on the frame said Raleigh. I do believe the white Pros of that era did not have Carlton decals.

I'd assume the chain was Regina, but it could have been something else. I didn't pay much attention to chains, since the bike shop guys had me convinced that the chain did not affect bike weight or performance materially.

I also recall Campy Record Strada pedals. You can buy those fairly readily - want to sell the English-thread Berthets?

Consider this anecdotal, I have no documentation.

Ken Freeman Ann Arbor, MI

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jerome & Elizabeth Moos Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 11:51 PM To: Subject: [CR]1969 Raleigh Pro

I've now received the eBay 1969 Raleigh Pro we discussed here a couple of weeks ago. Very cool bike, the mostly whiite color a study in tasteful understatement. I do have a couple of questions.

We discussed when Raleigh stopped placing Carlton decals on their top models. It was said they tried this soon after buying Carlton circa 1960, but then backed off and restored the Carlton reference for several years.

I find this 1969 Raleigh Pro seems to make no reference to Carlton or to Worksop. All the decals refer only to Raleigh and the headbadge says Raleigh Nottingham. Did Raleigh persist until 1969 in ignoring the Carlton heritage of the Pro, before restoring the Carlton reference for most of the 70's? Can I assume this bike was built at Worksop, despite the headbadge?

Is it possible the Lyotard Berthets are original, or woud it have had Campy Record steel road pedals? Would the brake levers have had the white Carlton hoods, despite the lack of any other Carlon reference? What was the original chain? It came with a black chain with no markings i can find.


Jerry Moos
Big Spring, TX