Dale Said
> >
> >If you haven't already, please watch this film soon.
And Brian Booth replied:
> What is the title of the film and where can I find a copy?
The name of the film is "The Bike Brothers". The filename is
You can download it from:
Please don't just left-click on it - you don't want to try to view it in your browser in "streaming" mode, it probably won't work. Instead, RIGHT-CLICK on "JackTaylorCycles_documentary.asx" and choose "Save Target As..." (that's the command in MS Internet Explorer anyway; other browsers have similar functionality)
Please SAVE the file on your hard drive, remember where you put it, and open the file from there. That way if you want to watch it again (and you will), you won't be hogging my bandwidth again to download it a second time. Thanks!
Mark Bulgier
Seattle WA USA