Harvey M Sachs wrote:
> The critical point is that tandems with two riders just don't flip over
> with the front wheel as pivot. Too much weight too far back. You may
> have seen or heard about some couple flipping over; I have not. Of
> course, sliding the front wheel isn't a good idea, either, but in
> practice I've often controlled speed with the front brake only on the
> tandems we've owned. Again, I just would emphasize my dislike for
> operating any two brakes with the same lever. On a desirability scale
> from 1 - 10, I'd put it at about minus 1.
Good points, all, but I don't dislike the dual-pull lever quite that much. It does take a pretty good grip to get effective stopping power, and well-adjusted brakes at all times but I've not had a problem with it yet -- only 20-some years now, though... :-)
-John Thompson (john@os2.dhs.org)
Appleton WI USA