Re: [CR]To wrap or unwrap, that is the question...

(Example: Framebuilding:Norris Lockley)

Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 04:59:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Fred Rafael Rednor" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]To wrap or unwrap, that is the question...
In-Reply-To: <002501c6c2ba$be53b3e0$a5fc9518@vaio>

I say "ride them", but I understand people who prefer to simply display certain special bikes.

But is the question really whether or not to even UNWRAP a new-old-stock bicycle? If you don't even unwrap it, why bother to own it? You might as well find an NOS box - or make a replica - and fill it with 28 pounds of stones. (In England would that be 2 stones of stones?)

Well, at least that's my opinion...
Fred Rednor -Arlington, Virginia (USA)

--- Mike Schmidt wrote:

> This topic can be and has been debated many times. In my
> book, all my
> collection needs to be ridden. Now I will not ride many of
> my bikes in the
> winter time just after a snow fall because of the salt on the
> roads. But in
> good weather, I ride em.
> No bike too pretty and no wall jewelry at this house.
> Mike Schmidt
> Stirling, NJ
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tom Sanders" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 7:30 AM
> Subject: [CR]To wrap or unwrap, that is the question...
> > We have had the ride it or not ride it so many times that I
> hesitated to
> > jump in here. I want to come at this from a little
> different angle.
> > Years ago I would have said either way was fine...ride it
> or not ride it.
> I
> > still would say that for other folks, however I find my own
> attitude on
> this
> > changing of late. When I get out a bike to ride and time
> after time I
> just
> > leave some gleaming beauty hanging and ride one of my
> regular riders I
> soon
> > come to have much less of a bond with the non-rider. I no
> longer care to
> > have bikes I don't ride. No doubt one of the reasons I
> sell so many nice
> > bikes. Talking with others on the list, I find them
> expressing a similar
> > sentiment.
> > Now, I am not at all sure whether it is a function of
> growing older, of
> more
> > experience as a collector of bikes, or some individual
> peculiarity (which
> my
> > friends will attest I have in no short supply...No comment
> is needed here,
> > Bob :^)...) but I have less and less willingness to give
> space to bikes I
> > don't use. It is this change I wanted to comment on.
> > I'm not sure if the others who have expressed a similar
> attitude to me
> have
> > similar reasons for this shifting in collecting strategy or
> not, but if
> your
> > attitude has changed on this, also, I think it would be
> interesting to
> hear
> > a little of the thought process behind your present take on
> collecting
> > bikes.
> > Tom Sanders
> > Lansing, Mi USA
> >
> >
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> >
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