Disregard previous posting please... i overlooked the fact that Nicks album contains pics of two different Masis... i should read more diligently before posting.
Martin Appel Munich Germany
Martin Appel schrieb:
> Nick Zatezalo schrieb:
>> I was the previous owner of this bicycle. Here are some pictures taken
>> while I owned it.
>> http://community.webshots.com/
>> The first 8 pictures are of #028 and the rest are of an Italian GC
>> frame he also bought.
>> Here is the ebay listing:
>> http://ebay.com/
> The bike in your picture seems to have a different BB lug... yours got 4
> holes, the one on Ebay got the "M"... was this done during restoration,
> or am i missing something obvious?
> Martin Appel
> Munich Germany
> not a Masi addict