Ted E. Baer wrote
> Hi Jan,
> -----------
> -----------
> The main reason I hesitated to subscribe to VBQ was
> the price. I think I bought a few issues at $7.50
> each. Does it really cost that much to print and
> distribute VBQ? If it does, I apologize. I bought
> the one where I believe you interviewed the Herse
> (Rene) family. I also have the one where you did the
> report on the Singer shop. Both articles were very
> informative.
> Ted E. Baer
> "Generation-X"
> Palo Alto, CA
it´s not the prize of papper and stamps, it´s the work and the knowledge!
To write and edit a magazine on the level of (V)BQ takes a big effort in practical issues, actual writing and research.
If anything I´d hope that Jan gets rich for it but - for some reason or other - I don´t believe it.
But I pay whistling a happy tune!
Olof Stroh
Uppsala Sweden