I looked at the video... rider #40 in the first clip is Frenchman Bernard Gauthier, shown on his Mercier during the 1951 TdF.
Aldo Ross
Middletown, Ohio
> There are also several shots of Anquetil - perhaps at the Parc
> des Prince velodrome in Paris, which was once a fixture of the
> Tour.
> Also, some unknown racer's legs are prominently featured in the
> video. He's number 40 in the Mercier shorts. Could that be
> Poulidor?
> Au revoir,
> Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)
> --- Chuck Schmidt <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Video including Coppi in the peloton to the tune of
>> Kraftwerk's "Tour
>> de France."
>> http://youtube.com/
>> From Will Rodger on the iBOB list today.
>> Chuck Schmidt
>> South Pasadena, Southern California