That's right; my Fuso is the yellow one. Rode it 30 mi. today & I can add that it is fast as hell on the flats. I was able to maintain 30 mph on 4 miles of Cabrillo Blvd. & I'm so out-of-shape right now it isn't funny. The weird thing is my Serotta felt almost the same but had a steeper head tube angle at 74 degrees. (Fuso is said to have 73 degrees). The steeper head angle made the Serotta a bit too nervous on the flats. But, but, but my Miyata 914 had a 73 degree head angle & 74 degree seat angle, as I suspect the Fuso has, & the Miyata rode like crap in comparison to the Fuso. There must be other issues like bb height at work here. Or Magic. The only issue I'd have is the paint is a little soft; don't lean your Fuso against anything! I've just scrubbed off a black mark on the top tube from a millisecond's contact with a railing. Still E-Fuso-ive about my Fuso; long live Dave Moulton! Jim Sunny but windy in Santa Barbara
<> Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2006 3:46 PM Subject: Re: [CR]Fuso
> A moment in the archives and another moment on eBay's completed
> listings search function, and we find that Jim's FUSO is not the one
> that Dave Moulton was sending clarification about to the list. I
> believe Jim's FUSO is eBay item # 290027376318, found at:
> Dave was writing on September 19 to say that a FUSO made by his
> talented apprentice/successor, Russ Denny, was being incorrectly
> marketed as one of Dave's builds. It was eBay item # 320029382855,
> found at:
> Jim, your bike may well have been a Dave Moulton FUSO, and Dave sounds
> like the sort of upstanding dude who'll give ya whatever info he has
> about it -- including the straight dope on whether he actually built
> it, or built it with Russ, or if Russ did that one, or if the
> framebuilding leprechauns snuck into the FUSO INDUSTRIES factory
> complex overnight and whipped up your machine with their magical
> fluxing dust.
> Dan Kehew
> Davis CA USA