The Sprint first appeared in '74 in three colors as a $129 mid priced bike.
Can anyone tell us what years the bent tube was produced as a Paramount?
Was there a significant weight difference, between Sprint and Paramount
models and between bent tube and straight tube models? Both seem to be of
531 tubing. When did these bikes cease production as bent tube models? Did
the design prove itself to have any real advantages?
The one listed on E-Bay right now (Item # 200024886242) Is listed as a
Paramount, but seems to really be a sprint, according to the decal on the
stays. Yet it has chromed Nervex lugs...I am at a loss to explain such a
low level bike having this feature...anyone have any light to shed on the
matter? Could the Sprint decal have been improperly applied during a
respray and it is really a Paramount? Seems like the longer I collect the
more comes to light that I do not know...
Tom Sanders
Lansing, Mi USA