Re: [CR]Velo Rendezvous 06

(Example: Framebuilding:Paint)

From: "Mike Schmidt" <>
To:, Jack Gabus <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Velo Rendezvous 06
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2006 15:09:52 -0400
cc: CR <>

Dear Ted E. Baer, =0D One sure fire way to get on Chuck's good side is to pop in=0D at the last minute on Sunday just to say hi to all. Chuck just loves surpri ses and =0D he is such a sport, you don't even have to pay if you arrive by Noon.=0D Usually they have too much food at the Sunday event and I am sure that =0D Chuck would love the help in getting rid of all that extra food. You can =0D just bet that bygones will be bygones and he'll love you like a brother jus t as he =0D does with me.=0D Yours in Hades,=0D Satan =0D aka=0D Mikey in New York, NY=0D =0D
>Ted wrote:=0D
> =0D
> Well I got into a bit of spat with fellow who runs=0D
>VR6. I tried to express some of my thoughts to this=0D
>man, but the points I made were not well taken. As=0D
>usual I wound up with a scathing email saying "don't=0D
>ever contact me again!" So now I'm in "the cooler."=0D
>Given that I am never to contact this fellow again, I=0D
>doubt if he would appreciate me showing up at the=0D
>event he is hosting.=0D =0D