I had a Norman Fay touring frame about 1974-75. It was gorgeous - mustard colored trimmed in red and light blue. Had all the braze on bits, cantilevers, etc. Unfortunately the fork was not built straight and I sold the bike (of course advising the purchaser of the fork issue. Only Norman Fay I ever saw till now.
Ken Wallace, Proprietor Bisbee Bicycle Brothel 63-B Brewery Ave. PO Box 1194 Bisbee, AZ 85603 (520) 236-4855 (cell) kwallace@cableone.net (email) http://www.bisbeebicyclebrothel.com
On Sep 10, 2006, at 10:06 PM, Howard Darr wrote:
> any body know anything about this?
> Howard Darr
> Clymer pa
> http://ebay.com/
> Bike_W0QQitemZ150032394826QQihZ005QQcategoryZ98084QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem