RE: [CR]Needed: Shop Recommendations on Vintage Shops in Chicago and Info on Old HKK Chain

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot)

From: "Ken Freeman" <>
To: "'Michael Schmidt'" <>, "'Ken Wallace'" <>, "'CR List'" <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Needed: Shop Recommendations on Vintage Shops in Chicago and Info on Old HKK Chain
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 08:58:40 -0400
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I can offer a few historic spots, in addition to Wastyn's; at least these are companies with a lot of history and are still in business.

1. Turin Bicycle Co-op, Evanston, Illinois; gave Eisentraut lots of support in his early days. 2. Roberts Cycles, Chicago, north Clark Street; former importer of Holdworth, sold Fiorellis 3. Gary's Cycles, Chicago, north Clark Street; LBS mostly neighborhood kids/family bikes, same storefront since mid-50s at least, son now owns it, Dad's racing bike is hanging on wall 4. Sportif Importers, Chicago, west Lawrence Avenue; Big showroom, lots of mid-level late Bike Boom machines hanging from ceiling, for sale, also some vintage parts in display cases 5. George Garner Cycles, Northbrook, Waukegan road. Same George Garner who built the vertically-integrated face of Schwinn, he had this Chicago store in addition to the California store. Historic connections, perhaps some discussion with the owner or manager might turn up some memorabilia for sale. 6. Ridge Cycles, Highland, Indiana, Ridge Road. Old shop, newer owner, lots old stock Paramounts, some parts, some French bikes (Stellas if I recall). Only shop in area willing to repair kids and family bikes since the new Trek Factory Store opened (amazing!)

I'd be very surprised if there aren't more, but these are from my past, and I have been to each in the past year. It's a big city, and the history of family businesses is hard to track.

I tried to find the Velodrome in Northbrook last weekend - is it gone?

Ken Freeman Ann Arbor, MI

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Michael Schmidt Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2006 5:11 PM To: Ken Wallace; CR List Subject: Re: [CR]Needed: Shop Recommendations on Vintage Shops in Chicago and Info on Old HKK Chain

Ken, I have been to Wastyn's Cyclery before and do suggest a visit there. Website is Note they are closed on Wednesdays.

Mike Schmidt Stirling, NJ

On 9/10/06 3:42 PM, "Ken Wallace" <> wrote:
> I will be in Chicago on Sunday, Sept 17 -Tuesday, Sept 19. Any
> suggestions on vintage shops. I will be staying in downtown with
> limited opportunity to get too far out.
> Also, just bought a Japenese HKK roller chain in original packaging
> advertised as from the 1920's, but I doubt it since its a 3/32. Any
> info?
> Ken Wallace, Proprietor
> Bisbee Bicycle Brothel
> 63-B Brewery Ave.
> PO Box 1194
> Bisbee, AZ 85603
> (520) 236-4855 (cell)
> (email)