Re: [CR]L'Eroica in Nor. Cal??

(Example: Racing:Jacques Boyer)

Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 17:35:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Peter Tutty" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]L'Eroica in Nor. Cal??
To: dave martinez <>, Chuck Schmidt <>
In-Reply-To: <>
cc: CR List <>

I understand that Brooks of England is looking to extend L'Eroica internationally. You might want to enquire of the US distributor. To use geek speak, the "synergy" is there, the majority of L'Eroica bikes seem to use Brooks saddles, with the balance being Ideale, Unicanitor, Cinelli and the like.

Peter Tutty Londonderry, NSW, Australia.

dave martinez <> wrote: Hello Chuck,

Great Idea Chuck! It Could take place in Fall during the crush and is not Bianchi - USA based in Northern California? Could be a pontential sponsor.

Regards, Dave Martinez Fremont, California Dreaming

Chuck Schmidt wrote: Peter Tutty wrote:
> With a number of listmembers about to undertake the original
> Italian version of this great retro ride, I thought I'd let the
> list know about the second official L'Eroica, this being the
> inaugaral Australian version being run on the weekend of 30
> September / 1October at Beechworth in the state of Victoria, (the
> same date as the Italian version), and also sponsored by Brooks of
> England amongst others.
> Like the Italian event, the ride is open to pre 1980 bicycles, is
> held over predominently gravel roads, has lots of hills, and "local
> product" (Beechworth is in a winemaking area) is available at
> refreshment stops. However we downunder do get it a little easier
> than those riding in Italy, on Saturday we ride 30 km (18 miles),
> and on Sunday 45 km (28 miles), that's with a dinner as part of
> the event package on Saturday night (Better not over indulge or
> Sunday might be interesting...)
> Entries close 15 September with John Hennessy (email
> so there is still time for any of you Aussie list members who
> have not entered to do so.
> I'll be there and riding my 1947(ish) Rob' Special racer.
> Peter Tutty
> Londonderry, NSW, Australia.

Peter, sounds like a wonderful event in Australia and something somebody in the wine country of Northern California should emulate too. Found the Entry and Flyer for the event on the web...

Info and entry:


Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California

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