Re: [CR] can a better KOF frame be bought?

(Example: History:Ted Ernst)

Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 13:01:21 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Syke - Deranged Few M/C" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] can a better KOF frame be bought?
In-Reply-To: <>


Actually, the average 1%er Harley would probably disappoint you - it's amazingly stock. This is because the average 1%er does a lot of travelling between chapter gatherings, funerals, parties and whatever else, often spending three out of four weekends on the road during the summer.

A number of my Outlaw brothers in PA put on up to 20K a year. Belonging to a 1%er club is not a lifestyle, it's an avocation and life.

The more you customize a Harley, the less useful it is for anything more than local showing off, bar hopping, and pickup bait. Those $50K customs are more for compensation due to a certain body part not working well than for serious riding.

George R. "Syke" Paczolt
Montpelier, VA USA
Deranged Few M/C

--- John Betmanis wrote:

> Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 13:27:33 -0400
> From: John Betmanis <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [CR] can a better KOF frame be bought?
> Message: 10
> At 01:55 AM 9/14/06 -0400, Doug Fattic wrote:
> >I¹ve been asking around and a typical
> >custom paint job on a Harley Davidson motorcycle is
> around $6000. That¹s
> >right, just the paint job. They certainly are not
> 10 times more time
> >consuming or difficult than a paint job I do on a
> bicycle. We are just paid
> >on a different scale not related to talent, quality
> or difficulty. So the
> >question naturally arises why are Hell¹s Angle
> types willing to pay so
> much
> >more for their passion then their two wheeled
> cousins?
> Doug, by "Hells Angels types" I presume you mean
> lawyers and wealthy
> business owners in a midlife crisis with more money
> than brains. Real Hells
> Angels would probably work out some kind of "deal".
> :)
> Actually, for the amount of work and the type of
> paint used, $6000 seems
> about right for some of those paint jobs. But
> addressing this whole topic,
> we should be glad that the prices of custom KOF
> frames and paint jobs for
> bikes have not escalated that far out of control. If
> Barrett-Jackson ever
> got into vintage bicycles, few of us would be able
> to continue with this
> hobby.
> John Betmanis
> Woodstock, ON
> Canada

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