[CR] Introduction & Dayton Unorthodox Forks

(Example: History)

From: "Joe King" <joeking@fastmail.fm>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR] Introduction & Dayton Unorthodox Forks
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 21:54:18 +0100

Hi, My name is Joe and I live on Angelesey (Ynys Mon)Wales. I am nearly 60 Summers old and cycle touring is my passion. There has been a bit of late about USWB bikes the ROH etc. but just in case you are interested in theses unorthodox frames I just wonder how many of you have seen the Dayton version. By coincidence there is one for sale on UK eBay at present. I was always told these Dayton's were horrible things to ride but have no first hand or more to the point no hand knowledge of the riding characteristics of these machines. Dayton's were located in Park Royal West London in very close proximity to the Guiness Brewery some more unkind souls would have said the frame builders have had to much of the black stuff when they built this! The little I know about Dayon history is this: The Dayton Cycle Co Ltd at Dayton Works, Park Royal Road, North Acton, London NW10 originated at 221-222 Shoreditch, London E1 as Chas. Day & Co and was a well-established manufacturer of high quality bicycles. Although primarily a pedal cycle manufacturer, Dayton made occasional forays into the motor cycle arena. The first of these was the Dayton Motorised Bicycle, a 162cc machine produced in 1913 and, as its name suggests, little more than a stengthened bicycle frame with an engine attached. Think they went out of business in 1961. They also sponsored an Independent team in the days of the "League" when i think I am right in saying Clive Parker was one of the team members. They also had a 6 Day track team and your famous Brown Bomber of Detroit (Joe Louis) advertised Daytons in our cycling press. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DAYTON-21-SUPER-LIGHTWEIGHT-UNUSUAL-FRAME-RARE-1938_W0QQitemZ260031152361QQihZ016QQcategoryZ69825QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Croeso Cymru Joe King Ynys Mon Wales