[CR] RE: Ron Boi frameset 58 cm.

(Example: Framebuilders:Richard Moon)

From: "Bob Hanson" <theonetrueBob@webtv.net>
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 23:49:36 -0700
To: otis@otisrecords.com
Subject: [CR] RE: Ron Boi frameset 58 cm.
cc: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

If you have not heard of the builder, I would just add that he is the man who had fitted and built the bike for the extremely tall Lon Haldeman, the one which was ridden for his wins of the first two Race Across America (RAAM) competitions. That was roughly the same timeline as this frameset. So, Ron did indeed know much about bikes although his name is generally associated with his subsequent retail bike store businesses rather than his frame building. His hands-on business would eventually would grow to where he now owns a chain of several successful bike shops around the Chicago area. He lives at the outskirts of Chicago, sort of a gentleman-farmer, where his main crop seems to be his 8 children - at last count. He had a barn full of excess vintage bicycle components which had overflowed from his stores over the years. And he is a splendid gent to chat with regarding bikes and components from the 1970s - if anyone should ever have a chance to catch him long enough for a conversation.

Bob Hanson, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA