Re: [CR]Ebay Chris bike ever?

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2004)

Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2007 22:20:13 -0600 (CST)
From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Ebay Chris bike ever?

Did I miss the Kool-Aid?? No disrespect to those taken with this bicycle or Chris Chance but BEST EVER?? I've checked the auction to make sure I didn't miss anything....This is a nice looking bicycle to be sure but if this is the best bicycle ever I'm selling off everything and going to get my golf clubs from storage. When I think 'Best Ever' I think of something evocative, astonishing, etherea or astounding...I look at this bicycle and think 'nice'.

It would be an interesting exercise for one of our esteemed and ambitious members to poll and collect everyones "Best Ever" bicycle choice with data and picture. Additionally, like a parent being made to chose their favorite child it would be difficult for many of us to decide on the ONE ultimate best ever bicycle. It would be fun to try all the same and see some truly astonishing bicycles.

Matt 'reaching for the nomex suit' Gorski Belmont Shore, California, Unites States

>From: Earle Young <>
>Date: 2007/01/13 Sat PM 06:43:57 CST
>Subject: [CR]Ebay Chris bike ever?
>It's interesting to see this bike on eBay. A few years ago, I went to
>Cambridge on business with my wife, and to touch bas with old friends,
>including some Bi-Ex friends, who told me about this bike.
>Unfortunately, we all got snowed in, and I was unable to see the bike at
>that time.
>But knowing the parties involved, Ben Olken, his son Rich, who came to
>run the Bi-Ex in its later years, and Chris Chance, I have to agree that
>you would have to come up with something stunning to prove that this is
>NOT the best bike ever. Whatever, it is ceretainly in the running.


>Earle Young,

>Madison, WI