I have posted some pics of my Saronni at the following link
I must have bought it new in 1983, can't find my records. But it has world champion decals, and he was world champion in 1982.
The head tube decal is a pic of Saronni. and the name is on the seatstay cap and on the chrome fork crown.
Robb Rasmussen Sioux River Bicycles Brookings, SD
> From: okmain@hotmail.com> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Subject: [C
R]Saronni decals> Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 06:43:14 +0000> > > HI. My interes
t in Saronni decals would be due to the fact that I purcha> sed a new Saron
ni frame from Othton Ochsner in 1980 and still have it in > fairly good ori
ginal shape. I originally built it with Rino components, but> it currently
has Nuovo Record components. I was told it had Columbus Aell> e straight gu
age tubing and was built in the Colnago factory. Don't know i> f that was t
rue or not. It is a great riding frame. It has a picture of Be> pe Saronni
on the head tube. Robb Rasmussen http://www.501main.com Brookings, SD > 57006> > >
From: jimr@rfj.com> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Date: Wed, 10 Jan>
2007 21:22:45 -0800> Subject: [CR]Saronni decals> > WIth the fantastic hel
> p of Mr. Swantak we have some new Saronni decals > ready for prining. The
se> are Michael's design, we didn't copy any > originals so they are not by
an> y means historically correct. But I like > them so that's that. If any
one i> s interested in a set I can email an > image of what they look like.
Figure> ~$50.00 a set. But you have to act > quickly as the artwork is on
its way > to the printers as we speak.> > Jim Ready> Cupertino CA 95014> >
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