Re: [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 49, Issue 131 Cotter pins!

(Example: Books:Ron Kitching)

Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 11:22:14 -0800 (PST)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 49, Issue 131 Cotter pins!
In-Reply-To: <>

Can a cotter pin press be used to install cotter pins, or only to remove them?


Jerry Moos Big Spring, TX wrote:
   Maybe I am getting craby in my old age, (My wife says I am), BUT you guys amaze me, FIRST the presta in a schrader hole bit, NOW Cotter pins! For 60 plus years I have been installing cotter pins, NEVER a problem. All you need is a good pair of gloves, Glasses, a bloody big (H)ammer and block of wood. Now IF and this is the key word, IF, the Axel (spindle) fits the (H)ole in the crank, SNUGGLY NO play, the cotter pin is correct size, fits the hole SNUGGLY and of course the axel is LONG enough so the chainset clears the chainstay, Put on the glasses on, for two reasons, one to protect the eyes and two to see what you are hitting with the Bloody hammer, THE PIN IS preferd over the fingers. put the block of wood under the crank arm, DONT want to crack your BALLS, (My wife would be very upset if I did!) Insert the cotter pin in the hole and HIT THE BLOODY THING .Now tighten the nut snuggly. Go ride the bike a few miles, IF the cranks are still on, YOU have done it!, Then, tighten the cotter pin nut down, Now if you have done all that the cranks SHOULD be in line, how could they be anything but?, NOW all seriousness aside, The biggest probelm I have had is getting a axel (spindle) the correct size, ANY play in this DOES cause problems, your pedals will feel out of wack etc. ALSO getting the cotter pin to fit correct. This seems to be the problem in the postings. But as above IF all things fit correctly should be NO problems, Cheers John CrumpOldballsOKBrit, Parker. Co USA