Richard, at Cycle Analyst 722 S Pearl St. Denver,Co 80209 Ph#303 7223004
_www.cycleanalyst.com_ ( . he has every size,shape
cotter pin you could ask for, also he has any nut, bolt washer, plug clip,
bracket, etc for the Vintage machines,if he does not have it he will make it!
he made a seat bolt for my Legnano, he also has every colour outer brake gear
cable you could want, PLUS a fine collection of vintage Campag parts.
(Expensive) but he has them you dont! Re greasing cotter pins I have
never done that,I grease just about everything else, seems to me that grease
is counter to what you want to do, Re usuing a cotter
press all the bike shops I delt with in Brum ENGLAND in the late 40s early
50s used them, BUT the cost to me was not possible. Re, rough
surface tracks I raced a lot on the Halesowen track and another one in Brum I cant
rememer the name of, I dont remember them been rough, but then the roads
where not smooth so I did not notice any real difference. NOW
to a REAL dumb question from a dumb Brummie, Oil or Grease? in the vintage
bikes, all my bikes have oil clips on the hubs, holes in the pedal caps, oil
or grease nipples in the frame etc, BUT I pack everything now with grease,
I do remember that I allways use an oil can on my bike in Brum, Never had
any problems, IS there any difference? I have been riding a lot the last
few days, temp in 30s, bike feels sluggish, could this be due to the grease? (
I have heard all the stories about Eddy M, having his mech, run his bearings
dry to reduce friction? of course his team paid for all the new bearings I
guess) I thought about pouring antifreeze down the seat tube, but may get a
little messy, MAYBE if I did NOT eat a full stack of pancakes before a ride
this would help. Cheers John Crump OldwishthesnowwouldgoawayBrit, Parker,
Snowy Colorado, USA