I for one are extremely grateful for the ACP's 'getting with the times' at least in terms of lighting.
Now, I've just got to work out how to install a LED light on the RHS fork lamp boss of my on-topic Falcon fixie which I may ride at PBP. To date, I've done the 200 and 400 km qualifiers on an off topic (early 1990's TIG steel) bike, but the Falcon will probably be used for an upcoming 300 km qualifier just because I can........
Peter Tutty Londonderry NSW AUSTRALIA
Ray Green <greenjersey@talktalk.net> wrote: Audax Club Parisien has stated "LED headlights will be allowed as main lighting for PBP if they can be seen at more than 150 metres. No spare bulb is required" Ray Green, Harrow, Middlesex
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