I have a question for all those vintage Italian lovers out there. I bought a nice set of vintage Balilla center pull brakes on ebay several months ag o and know only a little about the brand. I know they were offered on top tier Frejus bikes of the late 50\u2019s and early 60\u2019s, but this is about it. The brakes look very similar to Universal mod. 61 brakes, bu t are engraved with \u2018Balilla\u2019 in script on the front calip er arm and engraved \u2018Made in Italy\u2019 in block letters on the rear arm. They come with a set of very interesting levers with a unique q uick release, and have cool red anodized washers on the calipers like Weinm ann CP brakes only marked \u2018Balilla\u2019. Can anyone tell me th e years they were offered and on what bikes these brakes may have been orig inal. Thanks in advance!
Regards, Rich Robinson
On the road in V.Beach Va.