Tom Hayes has photos of a lovely Groene Leeuw up on Wool Jersey:
Well, Tom, is it fast for a green bike?
Charlie "My BRG Ron Cooper is fast, I'm slow" Young
Honey Brook, PA
> On 3/4/07 9:38 AM, "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <>
> wrote:
>> So then was Grone Leeuw an ale produced by Weil's? Does this brewer
>> still
>> exist?
> Wiel's (sorry, not Weil's) was a brewery (Wielemans-Ceuppens). The
> building
> is currently being turned into a contemporary art center in Brussels.
> Wielemans-Ceuppens apparently went out of business in 1988.
> Groene Leeuw was the top-end brand coming out of bicycle manufacturer De
> Kimpe, which was based in Deinze. I don't have much information other
> than
> that, except that in the 1970s, there was also an Avia-Groene Leeuw team.
> --
> Steven L. Sheffield
> stevens at veloworks dot com
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