[CR]Once Upon A Time In The Future Was:Sew ups fixing em!

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Columbus)

In-Reply-To: <c43.e988b22.3329f95f@aol.com>
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 20:10:04 -0700
To: CR RENDEZVOUS <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]Once Upon A Time In The Future Was:Sew ups fixing em!

John Crump wrote:
> I have always loved the ride and feel of TUBS or sew ups, BUT as
> age has
> taken its toll on the Old Brit fixing em is now a chore, I cant
> even find the
> needle never mind about threading it! but _tirealert@tirealert.com_
> (mailto:tirealert@tirealert.com), will replace the tube in sew ups
> for $20.00 two for
> $16.00 each, I know this is not cheap and probably only the choice
> for those
> hard to find and flat vintage tubs. I was reading a Cycling the
> other day and came across the following article." There may emerge
> some
> light alloy susceptible to a hardening process, permitting the use
> of lighter
> hubs and pedals, Unsightly cables may once more vanish from sight,
> but without
> becoming completely inaccessible. Handlebars may be tapered,
> economizing
> weight and imparting a slight amount of resilience. Possibly some
> light alloy may
> be available for chains.(goes on) somebody may have solved the
> bend-less spoke
> problem, and in this latter connection is involved the design of a
> speed
> tyre(tire) constructed of some nylon-type foundation covered with
> a superior
> synthetic-rubber tread and moulded round a skeleton rim (non-
> detachable, of
> course) readily connected by renewable spokes to the hub!. This
> article was
> written by. I Cohen Technical expert to Cycling in Jan 1951 ANY
> COMMENTS anyone,
> Cheers John Crump OldblindasabatBrit. Parker, Co USA

In 1951 I went to the matinee to see The Day the Earth Stood Still. In it Klaatu (Michael Rennie) explains to little Bobby Benson (Billy Gray) that in his world, trains don't run on tracks and presumably, in our future, our trains wouldn't run on tracks either. Of course I loved trains and somehow just couldn't get my little seven year old brain around how a train would not need tracks to run on. Like the sound of one hand clapping or something equally Steven Wrightesque like "OK, so what's the speed of dark?"

Sorry about the lack of vintage bicycle content.

Chuck Schmidt
South Pasadena, CA USA
http://www.velo-retro.com (reprints, t-shirts & timelines)