Re: [CR]Cirque bike display stand advice sought

(Example: Framebuilders:Cecil Behringer)

Subject: Re: [CR]Cirque bike display stand advice sought
From: "Richard Schoeller" <>
To: John Waner <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 06:42:20 -0400
cc: List CR <>
cc: List CR


That stand is very similar (but not identical) to the Rothko that I got from Rivendell. These work well. If the floor isn't quite level I would recommend having a 1x1 to lay across in front of the bikes to chock the front wheels. My bike tends to want to roll out of the garage with this stand unless chocked 8^).


On Tue, 2007-04-10 at 23:00 -0700, John Waner wrote:
> Jay
> I have used the one that hooks on the down tube and supports under
> the BB. But I do not recommend them, at last years Cirque their main
> draw back was demonstrated when one bike was bumped into and a line
> of 5-6 bikes all using that support went crashing down like a row of
> dominos.
> The type I would like to find is the one that supports the rear wheel
> and has little wheels that allow the bike to be easily moved around.
> See the link to this picture posted by Steven Maasland:
> Unfortunately this is not Stevens bike, but if he or anyone else
> knows where I could get my hands on some please let me know, I would
> assume there might be others on the list that would be interested as
> well
> Thanks
> John Waner
> Huntington Beach, Ca.
> _______________________________________________

Dick Schoeller