[CR]Fifth Annual Greater Washington Area Pre-Cirque Ride and Tea Party

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2007)

Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Date: Thu, 3 May 2007 11:22:54 -0400
Thread-Topic: Fifth Annual Greater Washington Area Pre-Cirque Ride and Tea Party
Thread-Index: AceNluux9IHceJnBSUmukcozcE7COg==
From: "Bingham, Wayne" <WBINGHAM@imf.org>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
cc: "Gilmore, Rex D" <rex.gilmore@va.gov>
cc: abikie@aol.com
cc: "Weier, MJ"
cc: Martin Walsh
cc: "Gilmore, Rex D"
Subject: [CR]Fifth Annual Greater Washington Area Pre-Cirque Ride and Tea Party

Sorry for the late notice but I've been extremely busy lately with preliminary Cirque '08 planning, and have let the planning for this slip a little. Nevertheless, it's now official:


Saturday, May 12th - Black Market Bikes World Headquarters - Lovettsville, Virginia

I had to add "Greater Washington Area" in the title since I'm as close to Baltimore as I am DC, which is to say about an hour and 10/15 minute drive from either. And even closer to Winchester (*!).

As in previous years, here's a chance to do a "shake-down" run on that vintage ride you've just whipped up for the Cirque. (Oh wait, that's me....as usual!) Everyone is welcome, and welcome to ride whatever, but I thought I'd keep the "Cirque-bound" theme, since it's always a nice preview of what's to come.

Ride will be a social 25 miler that I call the Roundhill Loop. The route is mostly on rolling country roads. Doable on a fixed gear, but probably not preferred. We should try and gather by about 10:30 AM, and should be prepared to roll out by 11:00 AM or very shortly after, so give yourself a little time cushion to be safe. We will stop briefly at Trails End Cycles in Purcellville before heading back.

As in the past, there will be a post-ride gathering at my house and shop, where the Tea Party will take place. Other libations (besides tea) and food will also be available. My shop as well as the warehouse (also known as my garage) will be open, and I'll have some cool things on display. Of course, there will also likely be some talk about Cirque '08, and what's happening with that.

I can provide directions to anyone who requests them, but the usual map services seem to work pretty well too. Address is below. Clearbrook Lane is a gravel road, but it's only an 8th of a mile, and we are at the end of the road on the right.

Hope that the notice is not too short, and that folks can find time to fit this into their schedules. Please let me know if you plan on attending, so I can make proper arrangements for food and drink.

Looking forward to seeing all those that can make it.

Ciao -

Wayne Bingham
37805 Clearbrook Lane
Lovettsville, VA 20180