Dear Mr. Softley:
I have carefully applied a magnet to my Laser-no bondo found.
Please provide a photo of a Laser showing the use of bondo.
Anecdotes are amusing but not convincing.
George Hollenberg MD
> Hi Crew,
> Once again some great entertainment! I'm chiming into this as I
> have
> Modolo Kronos on my CX and have a Laser circa 85. Firstly Mr
> George MD,
> fortunately you are a doctor as there will come a moment when
> you need
> the Kronos to work and they will crack inside.....happened to me
> on an
> emergency stop and I still bear the scars. Your professional
> skills can
> be used for self administration of emergency care.
> I do admire your taste in classics though, the CX, Kronos and
> Laser are
> all examples of modern art in my opinion but please for the sake
> of the
> future health of the CR subscribers, don't recommend the Kronos
> brakes -
> only to people you need to seek revenge upon!
> Did the 'magnet' test on the Laser and yes....bondo where the
> tubes are
> faired together. Thinking about it, realistically, how could
> anyone
> imagine that those tubes can be flowed together so seamlessly
> without
> the help of bondo? A metal pressing could achieve two halves,
> but there
> would still be a seam. There were a lot of different styles of
> Lasers
> made so I imagine there would be as many different quantities of
> Bondo
> used.
> So, get out your magnets and lets stop the self deception.
> Greg Softley DD (Decal Designer)
> Coffs Harbour
> Australia
> _______________________________________________
George Hollenberg MD