>Can anyone recommend modern lighting that uses either the boss on the
>front forks or the traditional spade type bracket.
>Julius Naim
>London UK
I used the lamp boss to mount a Lumotec light. Used a piece of flat AL Bar stock, one hole to mount to the boss using a crankbolt and rubber washer, another hole to mount the light. The bar stock is about 1/2in By 6in, that way you can pivot the light closer to the pavement. The Lumotec casts quite a good beam when mounted low. All mounted on my on topic Stan Pike Audax.
(bad acsii art warning) The 0 is the crankbolt hole, the * is the lamp hole, the cut corner Above the lamp hole allows the lamp to pivot.
|-------------------------\ | 0 * | |-------------------------|
Scott Goldsmith
Milford, Ohio