This bike is in excellent condition and ready to ride. It belongs to one of my employees who happens to own/ride a 1970 Colnago. Both bike were passed down to him from relatives, one of which also has a 1970 Colnago. I've spe nt alot of time helping him appreciate what he has been given.
Robert St.Cyr
Davis, California USA> From:> To: classicrendezvous@bi> Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 12:36:28 -0700> Subject: [CR]1996 ED LIT
TON Custom made Children's Road Bike Bicycle Item number: 170114584034 > >
> 1996 ED LITTON Custom made Children's Road Bike Bicycle Item > number: 17
0114584034 > > Here is an interesting Litton cycle on eBay. could fit your
children or > perhaps your wife. Look at his frame work also. > Enjoy> Char
les Nighbor> Walnut Creek, CA> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME par
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