Hi again. Wow, my first post caused quite a stir here . Pretty funny actually . I've been accused of being dirty, told that the bike doesn't fit me by someone i've never met, and received about 10 not so nice emails. So to clarify, I have screwed nobody . I was an interested party who was called to get the bike after the first person showed up with a check. The other person was in CA and Bill and Marlyss did not want to have to ship the bike. They wanted to sell local. Honestly, I feel bad for Bill and Marlys, very nice people in their 70's who didn't look like they needed any money. I guessed this by where they lived and their beautiful apartment. They were people who posted on craigslist- not CR list or even Ebay. It appears that they have recieved quite a few not so nice phone calls as well. I knew nobody involved or anything about pending transactions other than what I stated . I think people are acting pretty childish. This was pretty happy moment for me and now its getting kinda ugly.
I hope people can see past this and move on . The bike is amazing , fits me well, and will be well loved . I have some similar interests to you all, and I hope that every time I take a step i'm not put on trial . This list appears to be the best source of info around so please maybe be a little kinder.
Lastly, I did get a few kind emails from people on the list so thank you ..
Barry Scott
Brooklyn, NY