Re: [CR]Goodbye, East Coast

(Example: Production Builders:Pogliaghi)

Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2007 09:13:18 -0400
From: "Barb & Dan Artley" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Goodbye, East Coast
To: "Classic Rendezvous" <>

We'll miss you and your wife Tom. All those cool bikes that you'd bring to my vintage rides with fresh paint and decals, the awesomely low granny gear that showed you knew our neck of the woods. (and in my size too!) It was always a pleasure getting together with you and CR friends. See you at Cirque' and you know there will always be an open invitation to ride in the Baltimore area when you're in town. Good luck in Kansas.

Happy trails,

Dan Artley in Parkton, Maryland

Archive-URL: 1813.eml Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 17:37:26 -0700 (PDT) From: Thomas Adams <thomasthomasa(AT)> Subject: [CR]Goodbye, East Coast

Well, it looks like Cirque X will not only be Dale's swan song, but will

also be my farewell to my east coast friends. Uncle Sam is moving the Adams' back west. KCTOMMY is going home, with orders to report to HHC, 1st Infantry Division at Fort Riley Kansas. For a while it looked like I would have to miss Cirque X but now my report date is pushed back to 1 July, so I'll be able to squeeze in le Cirque between HHG shipping, pre-positioning Christine's car west of the Mississippi and generally taking care of all those billion details associated with a big move.

I would just like to take a minute to thank everyone who welcomed Christine and I out east with such open arms, attended our Sandy Hook rides and entertained us in your homes. If any of you are passing through Manhattan (Kansas, that is) please do give me a ring or drop me an email. The door will always be open. ... Farewell to the Jersey Boyz. You welcomed in this strange interloper, adopted me and treated me as an honorary brother: the fat slow one for whom everyone has to make allowances. Mikey, Gabriel, Steven M., Steve W., Dave, Ray, Rita, Kevin, Joe B-Z and many others I know I missed, I will miss all of you. And Vaya con Dios to the Potomac crew: Dan, Wayne, Harvey, Paul, Ken, Ben, Peter, Larry and Jill. I didn't get down to ride with you nearly enough.

Of course I will stay on the list, but I don't know when, if ever, we will ride together again. It's been great, folks.

Tom Adams
    Heading back to the Land of Oz with the Big Red One
    One last time from Shrewsbury NJ, USA