Re: Re[2]: [CR]maxicar hubs

(Example: Production Builders:Teledyne)

Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 15:54:34 -0400
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [CR]maxicar hubs
From: "Michael Schmidt" <>
To: Michael Schmidt <>, Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>, dima <>, <>
Thread-Topic: Re[2]: [CR]maxicar hubs
Thread-Index: AcfFhxeRVf+mrDF6EdyjJAAWy8lbawAAIrhx
In-Reply-To: <>

And Grant does not accept "Praypal" or Yen

On 7/13/07 3:50 PM, "Michael Schmidt" <> wrote:
> I have often seen Maxi-car hubs from the 1950's go for $700-$900 dollars
> depending on version and condition. They usually go to Japan never to be
> seen the likes again in the western world. Commodore Perry, we bicycle
> collectors need you now.
> Mike Schmidt
> Stirling, NJ

Mike Schmidt
Stirling, NJ