[CR]RE: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 56, Issue 82

(Example: Framebuilding:Brazing Technique)

In-Reply-To: <MONKEYFOODEPUkuxBhj00002d59@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>
From: "nelson miller" <nelsmiller@msn.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 16:41:45 -0700
Subject: [CR]RE: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 56, Issue 82

From: classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org

Reply-To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

Subject: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 56, Issue 82

Date: 23 Aug 2007 15:40:57 -0700
>Send Classicrendezvous mailing list submissions to
> classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
>To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous
>or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org
>You can reach the person managing the list at
> classicrendezvous-owner@bikelist.org
>When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>than "Re: Contents of Classicrendezvous digest..."
>Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Can You Identify? A Contest For CR List "COG-KNOW-scenti"
> (Jerome & Elizabeth Moos)
> 2. Re: RE; What pray is a Carlton Criterium? (Donald Gillies)
> 3. Re: Carlton Criterium tubing (Ian Briggs)
> 4. Re: Mafac Competition questions (Doug Van Cleve)
> 5. Jay's Pogliaghi on ebay
> 6. Re: Jay's Pogliaghi on ebay (jeffrey piwonka)
> 7. WTB Classic Italian brazeon front derailleurs
> (Jerome & Elizabeth Moos)
> 8. KOF In Ti Lynskey Performance Titanium (Charles F Nighbor)
> 9. Any Boston area CR listmembers willing to help? (Jason Cloutier)
> 10. Lynskey not KOF but Off Topic....
> 11. Re: Can You Identify? A Contest For CR List "COG-KNOW-scenti"
> 12. Re: KOF In Ti Lynskey Performance Titanium (Chuck Schmidt)
> 13. re: Can You Identify? A Contest For CR List "COG-KNOW-scenti"
> (randy dugan)
> 14. FS/FT Campagnolo Rally 1st gen derailleur (3450) (LTravers)

From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>

To: "R.S. Broderick" <rsb000@hotmail.com>,classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

Subject: Re: [CR]Can You Identify? A Contest For CR List "COG-KNOW-scenti"

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 12:27:08 -0700 (PDT)
>Well, I know that Maillard produced an alloy FW in about the same era as Zeus, and I think Regina may have also. I've never owned a Campy alloy FW, but I assume that's not what these are.
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Big Spring, TX
>"R.S. Broderick" <rsb000@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Not too long ago, I stumbled across a somewhat vague eBay auction listing
>for a group of brand new and unused alloy cog wheels. And while the
>descriptive text may have been minimalist, and the associated photograph was
>a tad out of focus, I could still clearly identify a few rather distinct
>characteristics which led me to conclude that these might well be cogs
>apropos a Zeus 2000 freewheel build - and I am always interested in
>procuring more virgin examples of these when the price is right. Indeed,
>the individual cogs being offered for sale were of a polyvalent design, they
>were said to be crafted from lightweight aluminum alloy, AND of most
>significance, the larger cogs used a slip fit interference interface having
>eight locating notches. Based upon these simple observations, I decided to
>tender a modest bid which turned out to be just enough to prevail in that
>Roughly one week later, I received in the mail a carefully packaged bounty
>of shiny new cog wheels. But whereas my original observations regarding
>their peculiar characteristics were proven to be accurate, my conclusion
>that they might be suitable for use with a Zeus 2000 freewheel body was not.
>At this point in time, I am left scratching my head trying to figure out
>just what freewheel application they would work with as it is obviously one
>with which I am not familiar. Having no use for this fine lot of cogs, and
>being unable to accurately identify their proper application such that I
>might offer them for sale once again on eBay in some meaningful fashion, I
>have instead decided to have a bit of fun with them, while at the same time,
>perhaps learning of their true origins courtesy of the vast wealth of
>knowledge represented herein by the august and esteemed membership of the CR
>So, here is the deal....
>I have temporarily posted to WoolJersey a series of four pictures detailing
>various aspects of these cogs including comparisons with their very similar
>Zeus counterparts. You are both invited and encouraged to peruse same using
>the following convenient link:
>All told, the group of "Mystery Cogs" consists of no less than twenty-two
>individual examples - one 14 tooth threaded, four 15 tooth threaded, four
>sixteen tooth threaded, three 17 tooth threaded, two 18 tooth threaded, two
>18 tooth slip-fit, one nineteen tooth slip-fit, two 20 tooth slip-fit, one
>22 tooth slip-fit, and two 23 tooth slip-fit. Review the photographs.
>Consider the relevant details. And then, offer either your "best guess" or
>your "I am absolutely positive that I know what these darn things are"
>conclusion as to just what manufacturer make and type of freewheel these
>cogs are intended for use in conjunction with. The first person to
>"correctly" identify their proper application wins not only the highly
>coveted title of CR List "COG-KNOW-scenti" in good standing and all of its
>attendant accolades but also the entire group of brand new and unused
>aluminum alloy polyvalent cogs themselves to do with as they please.
>OFFICIAL RULES: No purchase necessary - nor is it even possible. Void
>where prohibited, licensed, taxed, or otherwise restricted by time and/or
>interest. Entries should be submitted directly to my public email address
>of rsb000@hotmail.com (....notice please that "mail" is not spelled with an
>"E") and NOT to the CR List itself lest you risk the wrath of Dale for
>wasting valuable bandwidth. Limited to only one entry per person unless you
>have been certifiably diagnosed with schizophrenia, in which case you may
>only enter once for each of your known multiple personalities. In the event
>that there is no "decisive" proof forthcoming as to the actual origins of
>the cog wheels in question, the "official winner" will be determined by a
>preponderance of similar guesses submitted for consideration. Winner to be
>announced with great fanfare and hullabaloo at a time of my choosing
>sometime during the day of Monday, August 27th, 2007. Entries which are
>mutilated, altered, incomplete, tampered with, illegible, inaccurate,
>forged, irregular in any way, insulting, profane, argumentative, vague,
>vapid, vacuous, vitriolic, venial, vulgar, or otherwise not in compliance
>with my own somewhat whimsical wishes will be considered, you guessed it,
>VOID. Good luck....
>Robert "why won't Ed McMahon just leave me alone?" Broderick
>...the "Frozen Flatlands" of South Dakota
>Sioux Falls, USA
>See what you’re getting into…before you go there

From: Donald Gillies <gillies@cs.ubc.ca>

To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

CC: mark@lentran.com, lemansgtman@aol.com

Subject: Re: [CR]RE; What pray is a Carlton Criterium?

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 12:49:44 -0700 (PDT)
>Hmmm, my orange 1980 carlton appears to be the same bike, and has a
>531 Main Tubes DB decal, and forged Suntour dropouts. And my orange
>1980 carlton criterium weights only 80 grams more (6.77 lbs) than a
>1975 Raleigh Team 531-throughout frameset from Ilkeston, in the same
>Here is a 1981 Carlton Criterium :
> http://www.carltoncycles.me.uk/mybikes/81criterium.htm
>So I think you are a little to dismiss all Carlton Criterium bikes as
>- Don Gillies
>San Diego, CA

From: lemansgtman@aol.com

To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

Subject: [CR]Re: Carlton Criterium tubing (Ian Briggs)

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 15:51:33 -0400
>"Gaspipe tubing, crude lugwork and second-line Japanese accessories".
>'It's impossible to tell for sure in this lo-res shot, but that could be a
>Reynolds decal'
>Definitely not 531 or anything close - otherwise I wouldn't taken a hack saw to the frame however bad the lug work.
>Some type of plain gauge Hi-Ten steel as I recall.
>Still got a couple of bits of it in the shed in the same light metallic green as in the pix - but no decal/s on any of it.
>Ian briggs - LUTON, Bedfordshire UK
>Get a FREE AOL Email account with unlimited storage. Plus, share and store photos and experience exclusively recorded live music Sessions from your favourite artists. Find out more at http://info.aol.co.uk/joinnow/?ncidT8.

From: "Doug Van Cleve" <dvancleve@gmail.com>

To: "kim klakow" <Akimbo71@gmx.net>,"Classic Rendezvous" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>

Subject: Re: [CR]Mafac Competition questions

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 14:21:44 -0700
>Thanks Kim.
>Here is a bad composite picture of mine (top) and another set from
>eBay (bottom): http://i17.tinypic.com/4lp5dfc.jpg. You can see that
>one of my straddle cables is much longer than the other three. I have
>a suspicion it is for a cantilever brake set. Any opinions on how
>difficult it might be to find a correct one?
>Doug Van Cleve
>Chandler, AZ USA
>On 8/15/07, kim klakow <Akimbo71@gmx.net> wrote:
> > Hi Doug,
> >
> > no, that all sounds correct.
> > The cables are not the same lenght, because they are front and back (front long, back short). that has to do with frame geometry. The ball seems correct too. This way you can use a brake cable as a replacement.
> > Got any pics?
> >
> > best,
> > kim
> >
> >
> >
> > -------- Original-Nachricht --------
> > Datum: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 12:32:14 -0700
> > Von: "Doug Van Cleve" <dvancleve@gmail.com>
> > An: "Classic Rendezvous" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> > Betreff: [CR]Mafac Competition questions
> >
> > > Howdy folks.
> > >
> > > I just "won" a set of NOS late model (look just like 2000s to me)
> > > Competitions on eBay. I didn't read the listing very closely, it
> > > turns out, and the pads/holders are something newer/cheaper. Oh well.
> > > My bigger concerns are these: The straddle cables (or whatever you
> > > call them on centerpulls) seem like they might not be correct. One is
> > > short, one is long, and the ball ends seem loose in the brake arms.
> > > The front brake seems to have a new Dia-Compe mounting bolt rather
> > > than on the matches the rear (not keyed, bigger hear/tight fit and has
> > > linked "DC" on it). In your collective opinions, is this a big deal?
> > > FWIW I paid about $65 shipped. Thanks in advance :^)
> > >
> > > Doug Van Cleve
> > > Chandler, AZ USA
> >
> > --
> > Kim Klakow
> >
> > Diplom Grafik Designer
> > Akimbo71@gmx.net
> > +49172-1786481
> > Berlin - Germany

From: chasds@mindspring.com

Reply-To: chasds@mindspring.com

To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

Subject: [CR]Jay's Pogliaghi on ebay

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 17:25:54 -0400 (EDT)
>Jay van De Velde is selling his Faema-styled Pogliaghi...for reasons I can't fathom (Jay, man, what's got INTO you?? <g>), but I'm really kinda surprised no-one here went for the buy-it-now.
>Do you know how hard it is to find these things? in any condition at all?
>And this one is in perfect, as-mint condition. I've seen it a couple of times, and the touch-up is *completely* invisible.
>Maybe it's too tall for most. I can see that. It'd probably be gone by now if it was a 56cm c-t.
>But if this bike fits you, it's one of those bikes you could buy, and then just dispose of every other vintage lightweight you had. If a person could have only one vintage lightweight, this one would make the list, for me.
>I've been doing that lately, prepatory to thinning my own herd over the next 12 months. It's very hard. Every bike I have I took a lot of time and trouble over, in the hunting, and the acquisition, and the restoration, whether just cleaning and parts, or repainting and more. I wanted every one, for some perfectly good reason..<g>
>But I can't keep them all. So I'm trying to figure out a good way to thin them out. It's not easy. One idea that keeps recurring though, is to look at each one and say to myself, if I could have *only* this one, and no other, would I be ok with that?
>It's an effective filter, because not all that many bikes make that grade. Jay's Pogliaghi is one such, though, to me.
>Charles Andrews
>Los Angeles

From: jeffrey piwonka <jmpiwonka@yahoo.com>

To: chasds@mindspring.com, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

Subject: Re: [CR]Jay's Pogliaghi on ebay

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 14:30:48 -0700 (PDT)
>He had on ebay, the '77 Cinelli track bike in orange,
>I'm amazed at how beautiful both of those bikes are.
>Good god.
>Jeff Piwonka
>austin texas usa
>--- chasds@mindspring.com wrote:
> > Jay van De Velde is selling his Faema-styled
> > Pogliaghi...for reasons I can't fathom (Jay, man,
> > what's got INTO you?? <g>), but I'm really kinda
> > surprised no-one here went for the buy-it-now.
> >
> > Do you know how hard it is to find these things? in
> > any condition at all?
> >
> > And this one is in perfect, as-mint condition. I've
> > seen it a couple of times, and the touch-up is
> > *completely* invisible.
> >
> > Maybe it's too tall for most. I can see that. It'd
> > probably be gone by now if it was a 56cm c-t.
> >
> > But if this bike fits you, it's one of those bikes
> > you could buy, and then just dispose of every other
> > vintage lightweight you had. If a person could have
> > only one vintage lightweight, this one would make
> > the list, for me.
> >
> >
> >
> > I've been doing that lately, prepatory to thinning
> > my own herd over the next 12 months. It's very
> > hard. Every bike I have I took a lot of time and
> > trouble over, in the hunting, and the acquisition,
> > and the restoration, whether just cleaning and
> > parts, or repainting and more. I wanted every one,
> > for some perfectly good reason..<g>
> >
> > But I can't keep them all. So I'm trying to figure
> > out a good way to thin them out. It's not easy.
> > One idea that keeps recurring though, is to look at
> > each one and say to myself, if I could have *only*
> > this one, and no other, would I be ok with that?
> >
> > It's an effective filter, because not all that many
> > bikes make that grade. Jay's Pogliaghi is one such,
> > though, to me.
> >
> > Charles Andrews
> > Los Angeles
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Classicrendezvous mailing list
> > Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> >
> >

From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>

To: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>

Subject: [CR]WTB Classic Italian brazeon front derailleurs

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 14:49:23 -0700 (PDT)
>I'm trying to obtain a couple classic Italian-made brazeon front derailleurs for a couple of Italian projects with brazeon fittings. I'd actually slightly prefer non-Campy, Galli, Gipiemme, Ofmega, Gian Roberts, etc., but these seem pretty rare, so Campy is OK too. NOS is OK but not necessary.
> And just on the off chance anyone has such a rare beast, I'd also buy a Spanish-made brazeon FD, meaning probably Zeus, if they ever made one.
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Big Spring, TX

From: "Charles F Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>

To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>

Subject: [CR]KOF In Ti Lynskey Performance Titanium

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 15:03:14 -0700
>In my opinion a KOF in Ti Others will disagree but I ask only look at
>their steps in building a ti frame.
>No need for comments look and like or dislike
>Charles nighbor
>Walnut Creek, CA
>PS Tonite is Hot summer nites in Danville CA
>Locals and with good fellow hot rod show in the area Danville closes
>streets and has a lot of neet hot rods and stock older cars on display
>Just a fast 15 miles and I am there Talk about KOF for cars wow a lot
>--- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> text/plain (text body -- kept)
> text/html

From: Jason Cloutier <velo59@yahoo.com>

To: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>

Subject: [CR]Any Boston area CR listmembers willing to help?

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 15:11:16 -0700 (PDT)
>Anybody from the Boston area who is going to the swap
>meet in Bloomfield, CT, on Sunday willing to pick up a
>bike form me in the Boston area and deliver it to the
>swap meet? If so, please contact me off-list.
>Jason Cloutier
>Pawtucket, RI
>Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's
>Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when.

From: oroboyz@aol.com

To: cnighbor@pacbell.net, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

Subject: [CR]Lynskey not KOF but Off Topic....

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 18:24:55 -0400
> Charles:
>Just being small doesn't make these folks anything to do with "classic".? You should have asked me first if you couldn't figure this one out...
><< 15. While the CR focus is on the beginning of the Twentieth century to 1983,
> a few contemporary, classically made small workshop bikes are considered
> on topic* here These
> are generally referred to as "KOF" (see # 2 above) but those
> welded, injection molded, or glued modern wonders belong in some other
> mail list. Ditto for mountain bikes, "middle weights", BMX, recumbents and
> balloon tired bikes. Those bikes have merit, but they just do not belong on the Classic
> Rendezvous. Ditto for components that are post 1983 or those which are
> harbingers of a new, aesthetically "modern" era (like cycle computers,
> clipless pedals, index shifting, etc.)? If in doubt of the
> appropriateness of your intended topic, ask the web master first! >>
>Welding & Titanium are virtually never KOF.
>Dale Brown
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Charles F Nighbor <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
>To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
>Sent: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 6:03 pm
>Subject: [CR]KOF In Ti Lynskey Performance Titanium
>In my opinion a KOF in Ti Others will disagree but I ask only look at
>their steps in building a ti frame.
>No need for comments look and like or dislike
>Charles nighbor
>Walnut Creek, CA
>PS Tonite is Hot summer nites in Danville CA
>Locals and with good fellow hot rod show in the area Danville closes
>streets and has a lot of neet hot rods and stock older cars on display
>Just a fast 15 miles and I am there Talk about KOF for cars wow a lot
>Classicrendezvous mailing list
>Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! - http://mail.aol.com

From: Stronglight49@aol.com

To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

Subject: Re: [CR]Can You Identify? A Contest For CR List "COG-KNOW-scenti"

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 18:35:44 EDT
>Just a wild guess, but the "chisel teeth" of the cogs look like Suntour.
>Anyone have a catalogue which might show Suntour freewheels with cogs taken
>I'm pretty sure they too had used a splined fit for the inner cogs on some
>of their freewheels.
>Bob Hanson, Albuquerque, NM, USA
>************************************** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

From: Chuck Schmidt <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>

To: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>

Subject: Re: [CR]KOF In Ti Lynskey Performance Titanium

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 15:36:30 -0700
>On Aug 23, 2007, at 3:03 PM, Charles F Nighbor wrote:
>>In my opinion a KOF in Ti Others will disagree but I ask only look
>>their steps in building a ti frame.
>>No need for comments look and like or dislike
>>Charles nighbor
>Well hell yeah, no question... KOF (Keeper of the Flame) for sure!
>Just look at this picture of the bike in question if you're not a
>Ah, good afternoon, sir, and how are we today?
>Better get a bucket. I'm going to throw up.
>Uh, Gaston! A bucket for monsieur. There you are, monsieur. . .
>Chuck Schmidt
>South Pasadena, CA USA

From: randy dugan <rsdugan@yahoo.com>

To: rsb000@hotmail.com

CC: classicrendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>

Subject: re: [CR]Can You Identify? A Contest For CR List "COG-KNOW-scenti"

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 15:42:36 -0700 (PDT)
>Hello Robert, I think they are Suntour, as shown in this photo on the yello
>w jersey site: http://www.yellowjersey.org/stfw.html Thanks ~Randy Dugan
>, Van Nuys, CA USA

From: LTravers <lat7575@swbell.net>

To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

Subject: [CR]FS/FT Campagnolo Rally 1st gen derailleur (3450)

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 17:43:25 -0500
>At least I believe it is
>first generation. No re-enforcement to my eye. Came to me filthy and
>it cleaned up nicely. You may want to do some detail cleaning. Not
>perfect, scratches on the cage. Jockey wheels have some scratches, but
>have some good miles left on them. What I would term a nice rider, but
>with some judicious polishing, it could be promoted. Check the
>pictures at the link provided. I tried to show the scratches as best I
>For an outright sale, $90 shipped to continental US. In trade, I am
>looking specifically for a set of Suntour Superbe Pro hubs, 36o, 126
>spacing. If in a set of clincher wheels, so much the better. We can
>work something out. I may consider other trade offers.

>Classicrendezvous mailing list

_______________________________________________ Classicrendezvous mailing list Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous