When I finish locking the bike at the rack I take the pant clips off and put them together and put them back on one ankle (left one) where they stay till I need them again. --Mitch "swears by pant clips"
On 8/31/07, John Betmanis <johnb@oxford.net> wrote:
> At 04:54 PM 31/08/2007 -0400, Sheldon Brown wrote:
> >By popular demand:
> >
> >http://sheldonbrown.com/harris/accessories.html#pantsclips
> >
> >(We've sold these for more than 50 years in our local shop, but now
> >they're on the Website!)
> Good on you, Captain Bike! I always had clips. They would hang on a hook in
> the hallway, along with mittens, scarves and hats. But in the last 20-30
> years I too tucked my pants into my socks. Then along came Don Johnson, not
> wearing socks, which is why they put those pant guards on low end bike
> chainwheels. If you rode a "real" bike, you were expected to wear shorts
> (or tights in the winter).
> John Betmanis
> Woodstock, Ontario
> Canada